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Left wing in a sentence

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Sentence count:54Posted:2016-11-07Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: leftbe lefttwinwingswingdrawingowing tofollowingMeaning: n. those who support varying degrees of social or political or economic change designed to promote the public welfare left-wing. adj. believing in or supporting tenets of the political left. 
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31. Taylor's plan backfired from the moment Flo switched to the left wing and took Pallister with him.
32. Reggina win a free kick on the left wing.
33. Kempt, on the left wing, demanded reinforcements.
34. He did not crack down his revolutionary left wing.
35. El Chino's right - wing cross goes out of play at the left wing corner flag!
36. The left wing of the Antilapanese National United Front is composed of the Communist-led masses, which include the proletariat, the peasantry and the urban petty bourgeoisie.
37. I am very left wing, I think communalism is superior to our society.
38. For example : Left wing - to - body fairing seal is inconsistent in relation to fuselage.
39. Viola captain Viali's long pass for Miccoli on the left wing is wayward and the Nerazzurri win a throw-in .
40. It was rather surprising that last week the Fabian Society, a left wing think-tank, debated 'Can we regain the public trust in the City'.
41. They can be classified as the right wing or the left wing, realistic and modernistic.
42. So, when a bird banks right, its left wing moves faster on the downstroke while the right is faster on the upstroke, which slows the animal's rotation.
43. In a hard right turn the outer third of my left wing sliced through the UFO's crystals with the sound of an intense hale storm on a tin roof.
44. For example : Access panel 2145 J to left wing number 3 slat actuator distorted.
45. In a report this year Europol said there were no European right-wing terror attacks in 2010. It said extreme left wing groups carried out 45 attacks.
46. The left wing of the Mohammedan armies took possession of Spain(, The right wing meanwhile made for Constantinople by way of Syria and Asia Minor.
47. An earlier investigation found Columbia broke up as a result of damage sustained when a chunk of fuel-tank insulating foam smashed into its left wing during lift-off two weeks earlier.
48. Right wing, left wing, on 442, 433 , backless stools, on stand good.
49. Parts of the downed F-117 wreckage –such as the left wing with US Air Force insignia, the cockpit canopy, ejection seat,( pilot's helmet and radio –are exhibited at Belgrade's aviation museum.
50. Bryant had the ball on the left wing, saw a double-team coming and passed to Ariza near the top of the key.
51. The Left wing of the Party is the most ideological, hidebound to Maoism, driven in part by nostalgic longings and in part by a deep dissatisfaction with the current state of society.
52. This paper holds that the idea of " Subjectiveness " is part of the reformation that the Left Wing made in the ever increasing national crisis and nationalism.
53. Then, every time, his left wing stalled on an upstroke, he'd roll violently left, stall his right wing recovering, and flick like fire into a wild tumbling spin to the right.
54. In the 1980s, left wing guerrillas dominated vast sections of the Magdalena region. During the following decade, most of the guerrilla fronts were pushed deep into the mountains.
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